
Before Dodo Juice, car care was predominantly the past time of the older gentlemen looking for a little peace and quiet. The concept of 'detailing' was in its nascent stages, pretty much unknown even within petrol head circles. Now, ten years on, not only is detailing well embedded within automotive nomenclature but it is also, dare we say it, quite cool.

Go to a traditional car show and there are still chronologically enhanced chaps fervently rubbing away at their classic with a rag and some concoction from Dickensian times, but there are also droves of trendy young things, girls and boys, with their high-tech microfibres and quick detailers. In the most part we can thank Dodo Juice for this new energy - they added the funk into car fluffing and the cool into carnauba.

But don't for a moment think they are all style and no substance - Dodo Juice are one of the very few manufacturers who develop and manufacture the vast majority of their products in-house. They started from a single industrial unit and now occupy pretty much a whole industrial estate in Elsenham with their R&D, manufacturing, distribution, and administrative departments.

PJ & Dom of Dodo Juice
PJ & Dom of Dodo Juice

Dodo Juice is the creation of Dom Colbeck (Right) and PJ (Left) - not only have they taken DJ from a kitchen table home-brewing operation to an internationally renowned brand, but they have also contributed more than most to the industry as a whole.

With the Dodo Juice Independent White Label project they have helped foster other brands such as Bouncer's Wax, which has gone on to create some award winning products. Without their mentoring, PVD itself would not have been able to survive.

Waxstock is also their creation, in partnership with John Hole of Detailing World. PVD was launched at the inaugural show in 2012, a small somewhat esoteric event in Peterborough. Five years on and Waxstock has moved to Coventry, tripled in size, and now is pretty much a pilgrimage for any car care enthusiast.

We interviewed the guys early in 2017 - checkout issue 5 of the PRO Detailer Magazine to read the full story.

www.dodojuice.net                                                                    shop@dodojuice.com

www.dodojuice.net                                                                    shop@dodojuice.com
